How to Detect and Prevent a Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs are a growing problem in Pennsylvania and all of the United States. According to a study by the National Pest Management Association, 95% of pest professionals have treated bed bug infestations in the past year. If you're concerned that you might have bed bugs, it's important to know what the early signs of an infestation are and how to effectively treat them. In this blog post, we will discuss early common signs of bed bugs and how to prevent them from becoming a problem for you and your family!
Common Signs of Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are one of the hardest bugs to spot with the naked eye. They are small, oval-shaped, and reddish-brown in color. These insects can be difficult to differentiate from other household pests such as ticks or carpet beetles. However, there are a few telltale signs that can indicate a bed bug infestation:
- Odors
- Bloodstains
- Bite Marks
- Live Bugs and Shell Casings
One of the fastest ways to decide whether you need to call for professional pest control is if you have a certain odor in your home. If you notice a musty smell in your bedroom but have no recollection of where it could be coming from, this is a good first indicator. Experts explain that the scent that bed bugs give off can represent cilantro, and if you have a more extreme infestation, the scent could be reminiscent of moldy wet towels. If any of these scents seem familiar, this is a good starting point to getting to the bottom of your bed bug problem.
If you notice reddish or rust-colored spots on your sheets with no explanation, there is a good chance this could be another sign of bed bugs. Now, of course, there are outliers that could be explained. If you are seeing circular splotches, this could also be scabs on your body from where blood dries up on your bedsheets. If you continue to see this happen, you could have a bigger issue on your hands. The question you may be asking is, how does this happen? Bed bugs feed throughout the night when you are asleep. The moment you roll over or change positions in your bed, the greater chance you have of crushing the bed bugs that were feeding and having what’s left of them on your bedsheets.
Bite Marks
Primarily, the first sign discovered about an infestation would be the actual bed bug bites itself. If you are going to bed at night and waking up in the morning with small, itchy red bumps, this is another sign of bed bug activity. While annoying and unsettling, bed bug bites are not known to transmit any diseases. With that being said, certain individuals may not even realize they have bed bugs as they can be bitten throughout the night and show no skin reaction.
Live Bugs or Shell Casings
The number one most obvious sign of bed bug activity would be discovering the live bug itself, or its shell casing. Bed bugs will typically stay in one area, and this is usually your bed or bed frame, furniture next to your bed, or walls. This is why these creatures are usually not found until you are moving, or the infestation gets unbearable. If you find their shell casings, that means bed bugs have been active in your home for a decent amount of time as they have gone through their 5 lifestyle stages. Now that we know the certain signs of spotting bed bugs, how do you get rid of them?
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs?
Possibly one of the hardest pests to permanently get rid of, there are certain precautions you can take before calling the professional bed bug exterminators. Start with washing and drying all of your clothing and bedding at very high heat (at least 120 degrees) as heat will be the best way to eliminate these insects. Make sure to do a deep clean of your bedroom which includes vacuuming, dusting, and eliminating any clutter. If none of this has helped, it will be time to seek professional exterminators. D-Bug Pest Control has specialized in pest services including bed bug control for over 80 years now and our technicians have the expertise to make sure this problem is forgotten in the past. D-Bug services the Western PA area which includes Greensburg, Monroeville, Murrysville, and others!